Namespace NanoByte.Common.Streams
Filter streams and utility classes with helper functions for stream handling.
- DelegatingStream
Forwards all requests to another Streams. Useful as a base class for decorators/wrappers.
- NonSeekableStream
Decorator that prevents a stream from being seeked.
- OffsetStream
Decorator that transparently applies an offset to another Stream.
- ProgressStream
Decorator that adds progress-tracking and cancellation to another Stream.
- ReadStream
Reads the contents of a stream.
- SeekBufferStream
Decorator that adds seek buffering to another Stream.
- ShadowingStream
Decorator that copies all bytes read from a Stream to another Stream.
- StreamConsumer
Continuously reads lines from a StreamReader using a background thread while providing them to a foreground thread on demand.
- StreamUtils
Provides Stream-related helper methods.