Namespace NanoByte.Common.Controls
WinForms controls and forms designed to simplify common UI designs.
- ControlExtensions
Provides extension methods for System.Windows.Forms.Controls.
- DropDownButton
A System.Windows.Forms.Button with an additional drop-down menu.
- DropDownContainer
A custom drop-down that can contain arbitrary controls instead of just a menu.
- ErrorBox
A dialog displaying an error message and details.
- ErrorReport
Wraps information about an crash in a serializer-friendly format.
- ErrorReportForm
Presents the user with a friendly interface in case of an error, offering to report it to the developers.
- FilteredTreeView<T>
Displays a list of INameds objects in a System.Windows.Forms.TreeView with incremental search. An automatic hierarchy is generated based on a Separator character.
- HintTextBox
A special System.Windows.Forms.TextBox that displays a HintText when System.Windows.Forms.TextBox.Text is empty and a clear button when it is not.
- InputBox
Shows a simple dialog asking the user to input some text.
- Msg
Provides easier access to typical System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox configurations and automatically upgrades to TaskDialogs when available.
- OKCancelDialog
A base-class for creating fixed-size dialog boxes with an OK and a Cancel button.
- OutputBox
A simple dialog displaying selectable multi-line text.
- OutputGridBox
Displays tabular data to the user.
- OutputTreeBox
Factory methods for OutputTreeBox<T>.
- OutputTreeBox<T>
Displays tree data to the user.
- PropertyGridForm
Contains a single property grid for manipulating the properties of an object.
- ResettablePropertyGrid
A System.Windows.Forms.PropertyGrid that provides a "reset value" option in its context menu.
- RtfBuilder
Builds an RTF-formatted string with paragraphs.
- TaskControl
Combines a TaskProgressBar and a TaskLabel.
- TaskLabel
A progress label that takes TaskSnapshot inputs.
- TaskProgressBar
A progress bar that takes TaskSnapshot inputs.
- TimeSpanControl
Allows the input of a System.TimeSpan using System.Windows.Forms.NumericUpDown boxes.
- TouchEventArgs
Event information about a touch event.
- TouchForm
Represents a window that reacts to touch input on Windows 7 or newer.
- TouchPanel
Represents a panel that reacts to touch input on Windows 7 or newer.
- UriTextBox
A HintTextBox designed specifically for entering URIs.
- IContextMenu
An object that can provide its own context menu.
- IEditorDialog<T>
Provides an interface to a dialog that edits a single object.
- ITouchControl
A control that can raise touch events.
- MsgSeverity
How severe/important a message is.
- TouchEventMask
Mask indicating which fields in TouchEventArgs are valid.